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Campus Directory
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Frequently Asked Questions

Online Directory FAQ

How do I search for department listings? People listings?
Click on the Department or People radio buttons to select the type of search.
Why can't I search department listings at different UC campuses?
The cross-campus search feature is available only for people searches. Whenever there is a department search, the cross-campus search disables itself automatically so the option is not provided.
How do I go back to my original search screen after clicking the Advanced Search link?
Click the "Basic Search" link located right next to the Advanced People Search topic.
How can I search for people at other UC campuses?
The people search radio button must be selected. Enter the first and last name of the person in search of. Select the UC campus or UC affiliated location from the Campus/Lab drop down menu. Click on the Search button.
How do I clear the content populated in the search field once I've made my search?
Click on the search field and select the entire content. Press delete or backspace key.
What is the difference between People and Department searches?
People searches are used to look for searching information of Faculty, Staff, or Students affiliated to the UC system. Department searches are used to look for information of UCLA affiliated departments only. No across-campus searches are available.
Does it matter which order the first and last name is entered in order to find a listing?
No. The search engine will try to establish the closest match based on all the terms entered in the search field.
Where can I find a list of the acronyms and abbreviations for the Online Directory?
The list of acronyms and abbreviations are located under the Search Tips and About the UCLA Directory links. Download the list in PDF format by clicking the link provided under Abbreviations.
Can I send email directly from the results page?
Yes. Click the envelope icon or email address listed on the results screen.
How do I expand and condense the results screen?
Click on the person's name to expand the results screen. Click on Return to results link to condense results screen.
Can I perform wild card searches?
Yes. The Online Directory performs wild card searches by default.
Can I perform alphanumeric searches using the phone field?
Yes. If you enter 206-UCLA, for instance, the directory will try to match the closest available number/record in the database.

Cross UC Campus/Lab People Search FAQ

What is the purpose of the Cross UC Campus and Labs People Search?
Its purpose is to allow the users to query the different UC Campuses directories easier and faster.
Can I find department information for other campuses?
No. This search feature applies only to people searches across the UC campuses listed.
Who maintains the accuracy of data for other campuses?
The data obtained from searching any of the other campuses depends entirely on the respective campus directory. UCLA is not responsible for the accuracy or maintenance of listings provided by other UC campus websites.
Why does the listed information format appear different on my screen?
The search results fields are formatted differently by each campus, so the current display format tries to accommodate as many different fields as possible.
Can I access the Cross UC Campus and Labs People Search option off campus?

vCard FAQ

What is a vCard? How does it work?
vCard is a file format standard for personal data interchange, specifically electronic business card. They are often attached to email messages, but can be exchanged in other ways, such as on the World Wide Web. They can contain name and address information, phone numbers, URLs, logos, photographs, and even audio clips.
Where is the vCard link located?
The vCard link is located at the bottom left corner of the People Search results detailed page. It can only be seen once a search has happened.
How will the vCard benefit me?
The vCard link will help users to minimize their efforts when adding a new contact to their contacts list within their own email handler (MS Outlook or Eudora).
Can I access the vCard off campus?
Can I still use the vCard if I don't have MS Outlook or Eudora as my email handlers?
Yes, however, we only offer support for MS Outlook or Eudora.
How do I update contacts in my address book that originally came from a UCLA directory vCard?
Find current record of person. Download new vCard.
How do I delete vCard information?
Go to your contacts list and delete the contact information generated by the vCard.
What applications will I need installed in my computer in order for the vCard to work?
MS Outlook or Eudora.

Privacy Notice: This campus directory is the property of UCLA. To protect the privacy of the individuals listed herein, in accordance with the State of California Information Practices Act, this directory may not be used, rented, distributed or sold for commercial purposes.

Information obtained from this on-line directory may not be used to provide addresses for mailings to University faculty, staff, and/or students. Compilation or redistribution of information from this directory is strictly forbidden.