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UCLA Gateway

Campus Directory
Basic Search | Advanced Search
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Search Tips

People Search Tips

You may search the People Directory by name using the Basic Search function. By using the Advanced Search function, you may also search the People Directory by Name, Email, URL, Telephone, Address, Mail Code, Admin Code (Administrative Code), Department Name, or Title, and define each group as Faculty and Staff only, Student only, or the entire database using more than one field or specified search criteria.

Department Search Tips

You may search the Department Directory by department name using the Basic Search function. By using the Advanced Search function, you may search the Department Directory by department name, building or keyword using more than one field or specified search criteria.


If you need further assistance, please contact the Campus Operators at x54321. Or send an email to


Download a list of title abbreviations and their translation.

Privacy Notice: This campus directory is the property of UCLA. To protect the privacy of the individuals listed herein, in accordance with the State of California Information Practices Act, this directory may not be used, rented, distributed or sold for commercial purposes.

Information obtained from this on-line directory may not be used to provide addresses for mailings to University faculty, staff, and/or students. Compilation or redistribution of information from this directory is strictly forbidden.